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Tuesday, 18 August 2009

New tool: Delete Desktop Wallpaper

DeleteWallpaper.vbs is a little script that's intended to run via your Desktop context menu. (Simple installation instructions are included in the zip.)

The script provides an easy way to delete the current wallpaper using the recycle bin. It's most likely to be useful for people who use Windows 7's wallpaper slideshow feature as it lets you delete images you don't like when they cycle around.


  1. I for one am very disappointed with this blog so far.

    Where are the rants we were promised??

  2. Sir, I am unaware of any such activity or operation; nor would I be disposed to discuss such an operation if it did in fact exist, sir.

    PS: It's a clog, not a blog!

    PPS: There might be a rant about Logitech SetPoint coming. Gawd damn it does some messed-up stuff with horizontal wheel scrolling.

  3. where is this logitech rant of which you speak?
